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hey kristian,

I first thought of letters as the opposite of a productivity tool. It is slow, high-friction, and deliberate. But I realized that this allows for more thoughtful communication.

In today's fast-paced world, taking the time to write a letter forces one to slow down and process thoughts more carefully. This deeper reflection often leads to greater clarity and better ideas.

My best work takes time — time to think, time to talk about it, time to ask critical questions, and time to let it rest for a while.


hey kristian,

I first thought of letters as the opposite of a productivity tool. It is slow, high-friction, and deliberate. But I realized that this allows for more thoughtful communication.

In today's fast-paced world, taking the time to write a letter forces one to slow down and process thoughts more carefully. This deeper reflection often leads to greater clarity and better ideas.

My best work takes time — time to think, time to talk about it, time to ask critical questions, and time to let it rest for a while.


you dare

you dare

you dare